OK, here are 2 .flas, and a .cfm file. To test these files, extract them all into a folder, and add in 2 jpgs called “pic_1.jpg” and “pic_2.jpg”.
The problem makes no sense whatsoever. In file one, in scene “main”, frame 15 of the Actions layer, there is an attachMovie() applied to this.image_mc.right_image. This is the target path of a movie clip within an empty movie clip on the stage. The right_image movie clip has a jpeg loaded into it in frame 1 of “main”.
This refuses to work. WHY???
In file 2, the attachMovie() is applied to this.image_mc, and it works fine.
Why cant it just go that extra little bit?
Please someone xplain this or I will assume flash is as stupid as I am.