or does eg look wasted?
i think its just you
he doesn’t just look it :).
Morse, what are you talking about? I’m not drunk in that image, this is how I look when I have too much to drink, especially if it’s Barcardi 151.
Drunk image 1:
Drunk image 2:
Drunk image 3:
hahah if any of you guys have any pictures, post them up as well.
This is a picture of me taken at school. I’m drunk on bacardi 151 also :).
this was this year’s st. patty’s day, someone got a hold of my camera because of my drunken state and took my picture, i was quite disheveled that night:
i had no clue what was going on…
Yeah, electron, the third one is the best
There ya go, drunken on Wodka and Bacardi
Aww man, I wish I had a scanner. I have a great pic (or 2) of me drunk. Oh well… sucks that I can’t share it, but I don’t mind skipping the embarassment
im more than drunk in this picture. but yeah…im in the middle with glasses.
im more than drunk in this picture. but yeah…im in the middle with glasses.
lol, d’you guys have this huge orgy or something?
*Originally posted by morse *
**or does eg look wasted?
I think all of the mod’s pictures are a little bit dubious. A veritable ‘Most Wanted’ gallery. :sure: