Is it love?

I really spend a lot of time here. This place is great. Not just for helping other people, get help and look at awesome grafix stuff and sites.
The community here is always nice, you can talk about everything, not just about flash and this stuff. I like it, kirupaforum is like a big family…
I love ya :slight_smile:

I hate you. =)

hehe j/k :stuck_out_tongue:

lol, yes this place is great, its always good to come here and chat while working on something. Its this site and the people here that make it fun. Im glad to be a member here. :slight_smile:

apparently i’ve been a member longer than most of you… i have no idea how this came to be… hmm… i’m going to go pat myself on the back…


jep, and you just posted 2 or 3 times :slight_smile:

Derek: You’ve been a member longer than me :stuck_out_tongue:

And I love this place… :beam:

Haha, i was the 7th person to join :).

And I love this place… :beam:

According to your ID code you were the 7th person to join Nali :stuck_out_tongue:

lol, for goodness sakes, it only took me 15 seconds to edit it and lost still beat me to it. Arggggghhhh :).

HAHAHA, I didn’t even notice you edited it :stuck_out_tongue: I was the 634th person registered here.

yea, this is really great place, I spend about 3-6h a day here =)

check this:

[SIZE=3]Currently Active Users: 8[/SIZE]
There are currently 7 members and 1 guests on the boards.

7 members online - that’s pretty wierd :crazy: :stuck_out_tongue:

slow morning :slight_smile:

not any more, im here. :slight_smile:

ya i log on to kiru[a even before i check my email lol now thats love

Hi, my name is mike dipi and i have an addiction problem. I spend about 6-8 hours a day at kirupa.

i have a more searous problem, i have got so many blood clots i cant walk from all the time im here. haha=)