http://x.com works for me
uhh… yeah… ok…
paypal seems to be working fine…maybe there are troubles with your system.
Yeah… I can get to both www.paypal.com and www.x.com
Ditto :sigh:
yeah, i used it to buy a comic on ebay last night, worked fine.
[ot]I only just noticed your name isn’t Monceyweasel, but moncReyweasel :beam:[/ot]
[ot]el-theirro is cool
stell isnt it funny how paypal owns www.x.com , also i know this for a 100% fact. they paid 1.4 billon dollers for x.com … whould you pay that
Are you certain they paid 1.4 Billion dollars for it? That seems like a lot for one letter