Is there a better way to make this "timer"?


I have what I guess I’d call a countdown graphic which I’d like to place in a completed Flash Presentation. I made it with a few masks and a few keyframes. The circle would complete when the presentation ends. This is done in an effort to give the viewer an idea of how long the presentation is (about 2 minutes… So I want to KEEP them there as its just 2 minutes).

I’d ultimately like to just load movies for my different scenes in the presentation so I can use cool transitions etc but, I don’t know how I would effectively use the graphic above since its really not dependent upon time but FPS. I guess I could build a graphic for each load movie section and pickup the loading where it left off but that’s pretty lame.

I know that an Action Script solution is the way to go…but I’m still learning Action Script and no way can build it from scratch right now. Anyone know of anything close that I can get my hands on to see if I can hack it (and learn)? Any help/links is and are much appreciated!

Oh plus… Kirupa… I love you man…
