I’m currently trying to develop a website for my friends and my band. I have not really worked with HTML much and posted a question a week ago or so. In response I got some answers I was looking for, but I was also told to use CSS for formatting rather than the tables ( I have two columns set up).
Now, I understand that CSS can be used and it looks cleaner in the documents. But does it really matter in practice what I use. Is there any real theory backing that CSS may be better than just using HTML tags and properties for formatting? Why did we change to CSS in the first place?
The reason I’m asking is that I was looking through websites and found that many use tables to separate sections of their webpages. Basically, my real question is, “if it isn’t broken, why fix it?”, and my second question is, “Is it somehow broken?” My third question is, “Will it come back to bite me if I format some with tables and some with CSS?”
P.S. If Curiosity killed the cat, it’s a good thing I’m not a cat.