the result is just a white/blank colored bg and left-aligned text of “hello” thats in Times New Roman when I specified it to be verdana above where set it to Verdana.
Whats wrong?
edit: its C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\css3.css (couldnt get it fixed above.
First of, when trying out css it’s best to put the whole thing into the HTML for easy editing. Second, never forget the ; at the end!. Thirdly , a ( is different from a {.
Nay! I say use the <link> tagimagine you have 20 web pages, and the css is:
body {
And then you decide to make your site have a blue background. Imagine the annoyance!
running them all through one file is much more accesable.
Two problems:
[]as [m] said, don’t forget your semi-colons
[]and its much easier to work your website in a root folder, notice the link in your HMTL, missing a slash, just stick them in a folder called Root or Website or w/e.
[/list] [indent]> Website (folder)
[indent]> css3.css
[/indent] [/indent] Then your link tag can just be as follows:
as [m] said, don’t forget your semi-colons
and its much easier to work your website in a root folder, notice the link in your HMTL, missing a slash, just stick them in a folder called Root or Website or w/e.
> Website (folder)
> css3.css
> index.html
Didnt see the ( instead of the { so thanks. I would have placed it in a root folder but im schelduled for a reformat so I moved the root folder. I didnt have a slash as I said above, when I posted this thread, it didnt appear.