Is this possible

I have a photo that a guy is just demanding be on his web site because he took it. It’s enclosed the problem is I need to size it to an exact pixel size:

530 width and 210 hieght

Is there a way to keep it somewhat constrained and do this with the image attached…? Only photo he has and this is the LAST thing he wants to change… Please help…

Tell him something like this would be the best you can do - then get back to the chrome guitar.

thing is… at the height and width you specify, if you keep the whole image it’s gonna look really squished, and terrible

so you CAN constrain, but you really don’t want to . What shazmax has suggested is the right idea, you’ll have to crop it somehow to fit the best part on, just leave the rest out

that’s my opinion anyway

There’s no way to incorporate this photo at that exact size? I didn’t think so but figured someone here knew more than me…

Anyone got this same exact picture at the proper width and height? Anyone…

<birds chirping>

didn’t think so…
:-\ :scream: :*(

Thanks guys… just hoping