Issue with php variable used as a link

I’m stumped here. Basically my customer is uploading an image named 1.jpg, 1.png, 1.gif, or 1.jpeg. I’m using php to look to see which file type it is and get the path which works fine.

Problem is I can’t seem to get that php variable to work with <img src="">

Here is my code:

After Php checks the path it assigns it to these 2 variables:


$picturelink1 = “/sales/images/djcatalog/1.jpg”;
$picturelink2 = “/sales/images/djcatalog/2.jpg”;

I do this:

<div id=“featured_pic_left”><img src="$picturelink1" width=“336” height=“137” /></div>
<div id=“featured_pic_right”><img src="$picturelink2" width=“336” height=“137” /></div>

And I get nothing.:angry: