Issues with CSS and Form/Form Buttons

Hello all. Im having some issue with taking a form originally created with HTML markup and re-purposing it using CSS. Unfortunately I’m not very versed in CSS. Below is a link to the form in question. Buttons look wrong in Safari (mac) and IE (PC). I’ve spent time trying to fix it with no luck. My wheels keep spinning but heading nowhere.

One other question…how do I define a specific width of a form button in the case above?

Please feel free to chime in as I would rate myself a “3” on a scal from 1-10 when it comes to CSS. Eager to learn!

Couple things - buttons meaning the submit and clear button, or all form elements? Also, what are they supposed to look like?

also, best way to define a specific width on a particular element is to assign it an id, and define that width.


<INPUT onClick="calculator()" type="button" value="CALCULATE" name="B1" size="10" id="calculate">