Hi, I am having problems with this. I have a php page that reads from an XML document and displays the current listings in an html table. It all works great, except for some reason it runs through the script an extra time in the beginning and puts a blank entry in the top row of the table. Sounds simple enough, but I can’t figure out why, or how to get rid of it. Below is the php code on the php page, and below that is the XML it is reading from. (oh, also, ignore some of the titles of the XML tags…these aren’t songs, but rather homes, I’m just re-using some old code!)…Thanks! -
function start_tag($parser, $name, $attrs){
global $table_string;
$table_string .= "<tr>
<td width=\"100\" align=left bgcolor=#e7eee8 height=\"120px\" valign=\"middle\">
<span class=\"listingpadding03\"><img src=\"../images/thumbs/$attrs[title].gif\" width=\"100\" height=\"100\" align=\"middle\" /></span>
<td width=\"90\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=#e7eee8 height=\"120px\">
<span class=\"listingpadding03\">$attrs[artist]</span>
<td width=\"170\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=#e7eee8 height=\"120px\">
<td width=\"120px\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=#e7eee8 height=\"120px\">
<span class=\"listingpadding03\">$attrs[squarefootage]</span>
<td width=\"120px\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=#e7eee8 height=\"120px\">
<span class=\"listingpadding03\"> $attrs[bedsbaths]</span>
<td width=\"90px\" align=\"right\" bgcolor=#e7eee8 height=\"120px\">
<span class=\"listingpadding03\">$attrs[price] </span>
<td colspan=\"6\" height=\"7\" bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"></td>
function end_tag($parser, $name){}
$parser = xml_parser_create();
xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
xml_set_element_handler($parser, "start_tag", "end_tag");
$table_string = "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" bgcolor=\"#e7eee8\" width=\"816\" class=\"phptablefont\">
<tr><td colspan=\"6\" bgcolor=\"#f6f6f6\"><img src=\"../images/list-fo.gif\" alt=\"Buffington Available Homes\" width=\"750\" height=\"22\" /></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"6\"><img src=\"../images/list-head.gif\" alt=\"Buffington Available Homes\" width=\"816\" height=\"22\" /></td></tr>";
xml_parse($parser, file_get_contents("playlist.xml")) or die("Error parsing XML file");
$table_string .= "</table>";
echo $table_string;
<songs><song title="mckinleya" artist="testing" path="one" squarefootage="two" bedsbaths="three" price="four" /><song title="mckinleya" artist="testing" path="one" squarefootage="two" bedsbaths="three" price="four" /><song title="mckinleya" artist="testing" path="one" squarefootage="two" bedsbaths="three" price="four" /><song title="mckinleya" artist="testing" path="one" squarefootage="two" bedsbaths="three" price="four" /></songs>