Issues with SWF file when uploading site

I’m a Graphic Design graduate and I have just taught myself some basic flash and produced an animation for my website.

The movie was created in MX 2004. I have finished and previewed the movie in Flash and tested it in Internet explorer. It works fine on my system.

I then added it to the website with Dreamweaver and uploaded the new page with SmartFTP and on inspection it fails to load. I have tried it on two seperate IP addresses. The 250x250 pixel box appears but if you right click it with the mouse, it states movie not loaded.

Here is the code…

[COLOR=darkslategray]<object classid=“clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000” codebase="[/COLOR][COLOR=darkslategray],0,19,0[/COLOR][COLOR=darkslategray]" width=“250” height=“250” title=“rapper”>[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkslategray]<param name=“movie” value=“Images/flash/rapper.swf” /><param name=“BGCOLOR” value="#000000" />[/COLOR]

[COLOR=darkslategray]<embed src=“Images/flash/rapper.swf” width=“250” height=“250” bgcolor="#000000" pluginspage="[/COLOR][COLOR=darkslategray][/COLOR][COLOR=darkslategray]" type=“application/x-shockwave-flash”></embed>[/COLOR]

Apologies if I’ve been a simpleton here, I’m only just getting into the whole Flash/Dreamweaver thing.

Any help, hugely appreciated.