It snowed... Im late for work... Im the only one here

When do I leave?

I came in an hour late and ended up being the only one here. No notes or emails… no one called to tell me no work… the roads arent THAT bad, it was only like 4-6 inches (And I live the furthest away, 50 min compared to everyone else’s 10-15)…

Ive been here almost 2 hours (doing nothing - though I could be doing something ;)) and I dont know if I should leave or just loaf.

What would you do?

go home and take a nap !! :stuck_out_tongue:

i had no school today!!!:geek:

You… milk the time… Gte paid for it… And go home and be like… I just earned $$$ for doing absolutly nothing :slight_smile:

Yeah… i couldn’t go to work here… 7 inches so far on the roads… And I’m in a small backroad… lol

Snow? WHat is snow? I think I’ve seen snow somewhere - no that was just my imagination. :ub:

Kirupa :beam:

you havent seen snow?

click the link for snow:beam:

I say, stay there - do like an hours worth of work, say it took you all day - get all the glory of coming into work when no one else would and since you did “a days’ worth of work” when you didnt even have to, your the boss’s new favorite person!

Well the boss’s mother (of all people) just called. She said she just talked to the head cheese and apparently shes out running errands and that neither her nor boss #2 are at home. This means chances are they are on their way here or are going to be within some time… :frowning:

ack the boss is on the line now!

yes, shes coming in lol

tomorrow you can brag about it to your boss

Sen talks to his boss in the morrow
Hey chief, i´m the only hard worker here. yesterday a fought the snow to get to work while everyone else was taking a lazy nap :bad:
next time you´ll give a raise to someone remember that :wink:


haha yeah I tried a little of that while on the phone. No bones :wink:

care to explain that for a dumb foreigner? (-:

ohh kirupa you have no snow? well of course you dont! I feel happy or ya!
I hate the cold and snow! I hate skiing! I hate everything that has something to do with snow!

Oh that happened to me once! It was a typical, sunny day… no random acts of nature. So I was completely suprised to find the office completely empty (including the parent company). I freaked out and called everyone on their cel, but no one would pick up. Finally around noon, my boss called me. Apparently someone died in the company and they just totally forgot to tell me.

that would freak me out… it would be like the Stephen King book “The Langoliers” everybody would be gone… scary…

*Originally posted by Guig0 *
**care to explain that for a dumb foreigner? (-: **

mean, mean! all of you :bad:


“no bones” can actually have a lot of interpretations. One of the most common is probably its relation to (which Im guessing you’re heard before) “I have no bone to pick with you” or I have no quarrel with you - no reason to fight you. But theres also “Make no bones about it” which kind of means dont quarrel over what Im about to say -you have no argument, but also sometimes carries the meaning of “no beating around the bush” or getting to the point in a straight-forward manner - “no dilly-dallying”, though its use is along the lines of something like…
Then again theres also the slang term “bustin’ bones” which more or less means getting beat up (mentioned in a rocky movie).

In my use, I was pretty much just saying, no complaints here, what is, is.


Well there you go! Excellent sec!

Actually when I say “bones,” I think money… ie: “This motherboard is gonna cost me 200 bones!” But I haven’t used the term since high school.

bealtifully explained

[SIZE=1]::note to self: any doubts, regarding anything, ask sen. he is the best :wink: ::[/SIZE]

yes bones is money too… good call RenaissanceGirl :wink:

i am wiped out. i have been shoveling all day. but i have been doing it the lazy person way (not that there is anything wrong with tha) i have been using a snow blower. but now im swimming in the money:bad: :geek: