It wont follow!?!

i want an mc to follow an mc but my code:

[COLOR=red]onClipEvent (load) {
this._x = _root.attach.car_x;
this._y = _root.attach.car_y;

doesent works ;( . its a field that has to stay straight and follow the car alltough the car is turning and moving:-.

if you could help id be thankfull:s:.

MovieClip.prototype.moveMe = function(targetX, targetY, acc)
     this.onEnterFrame = function()
          this._x += (targetX-this._x) / acc;
          this._y += (targetY-this._y) / acc;

mymovieclip.moveMe(,, 20);

try this, with the mc that’s to follow the car named ‘mymovieclip’… :slight_smile:


vote on the poll!:d

mmmmmmmmmh ok it works… but only once.
in the begin it comes towards the car but then it stays where the car started and it isent FOLLOWING the car.

well thanx anyway for your trouble.
maybe somebody else can help me:alien:

somebody else…

Looking at ahmeds code it should work all the time, theres nothing wrong and nothing to make it stop working :-\

Oh, and I voted no on the poll :slight_smile: The forum is a place to post questions and whoever is able to help can help if they want to, so I don’t see a point to having skills in the profile. Unless of course you wanted to hunt someone down and PM them your question and/or PM them to look at your thread, both of those defeat the entire purpose of the forum and I don’t agree with them, so either way my answer is still no :stuck_out_tongue: