lol Sorry, I just found that fascinating. Just goes to show how boring my day is going. (Happy birthday Google Spider!)
[font=Fixedsys][size=7][color=yellowgreen]Happy [/color][color=green]Birthday[/color] [color=darkorange]Google[/color] [color=sienna]Spider[/color][color=blue]!!![/color][/size][/font]
:party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party:
What do spiders eat?
Mosquitos! God bless those spiders. :love:
happy birthday :party: :party: :party:
Now blow out you candles and make a wish!
Grabs mosquitos and feeds spider
Waits for a mod to sign onto the google account and make a reta…err…thank you post
[SIZE=5][FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Sienna]Happy[/COLOR] [COLOR=Olive]Birthday[/COLOR] [COLOR=SlateGray]Google[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Spider[/COLOR][COLOR=YellowGreen]![/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
Side note. I was on stage with Lord of the Dance and Ray Charles singing happy birthday to Pepsi about 5 years ago when they had their huge company birthday party in Hawaii.
happy biiirrrthday mr. google spiiiddder. you don’t loook a day over whatttttevver.
[COLOR=Red][SIZE=5]A Google Of Spiders?!?!?!?! Run! They Cover 3/4 The Surface Area Of The Earth!!![/SIZE][/COLOR]
Agreed on by 4 out of 5 members on kForum to have had the best first post!
Bappy Hirthday!
Hippy Birthday
Strangely google spiders are usually browsing the forums at all time (check the who’s online page: to look at 'em) but today, since it’s their birthday. They must be having a day off.
They’re probably drunk.
The ol Boozle, on his birthday huh. You think there is a chance a google company person will end up here and share a smile or chuckle with us?
I’m drinkin to you Google Spider! proceeds to a 5th of Sky
Happy Birthday You Fictional Character Of Stalking Superiority!
haha, was there really a glitch that said happy birthday google spider?