Its offical... Cozumel, Mex

Well one of my clients is (DEFINITLY) buying tickets for me to fly to one of his properties in Cozumel, Mex in November! I’ll be going for about a week, fully paid for - I really cant wait. This guy is awesome, he even offered to fly my girlfriend out there with me so I wouldn’t be alone!! But we broke up :frowning: oh well - rebound anyone :stuck_out_tongue: ?!). I am stoked, I’ll definitly post pics after I get back!

Man I love working for this guy… I think all my clients should take lessons from him. :wink:


That’s great news man!

And don’t worry about your *ex-*girlfriend, once you get there you’ll forget all about her. :wink:

Excellent work!

Take someone else, that’s a classy way to pickup chicks… “Hey baby, come away to Mexico with me for the week. All expenses paid, just for you.”

Maybe you and him can hook up?? :wink:

slap your self

haha :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll be your girlfriend!


here’s the start of the site I am doing for him to promote the condos…

  • it should be a fun project!


Gahhhh rejected.

I just looked at that layout on another monitor… a bit too yellow, just toned it down


xxviii: :trout: :stuck_out_tongue:

Is it supposed to look stretched like this?

Hey good luck man!

I’m getting an error using FF.

the server is down, will be back up tomorrow morning, I’ll post when it is running.

Yeldarb… what resolution are you running at?!


that would be why then… Im not worried about it, its built for 1024 X 768 or 800 X 600

Most adults renting luxury condos arent sitting at home on designer style screen settings :wink:


hehe, just letting you know, I completely understand how that goes :stuck_out_tongue: