lol or wtf…?
lol or wtf…?
I’m glad I live in the good ole USA, where we have proper toilets
I think this covers both LOL and WTF eyez… lol
no disrespect to any japanese co-members(if any) but ewww
the poser characters really help you visualise what to do in this situation… lol…
seriously why did they put jeans on those models… they looks funny as… lol… what a classic topic. lol @ eyez.
eyezberg, what were you searching for? how did you get to that toilet site?
heehee, it’s probably for washing da butt.
it is MT, but it’s a funny idea anyway - hehehe.
I read everything on that site - its great. my favourtie parts are those about his bamboo house ( and the other one about his car (
*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
You gotta love this one, a toilet that pees back at you. :P:)
pj **
- how do u fit in there hahaha, i can’t, i better go crazy and jump out of the window and do my stuff in open phields u know
- car wash :sigh:
** - I always thought japanese are born geeks and not just geek, super geeks and super nerds ahhahah**
: one last pic made a whole lot sense then the ones above hahaha
omg ahahha
now stop it come on
u r a mod, lock this one phil
Its getting too smelly around here hahaha
i am ignoring myself from this thread now hahahah
its very late, infact 3 am in the morning i better end my saturday night party or i ll move around like a zombie tomorrow morning hahah, good nite man;)
*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *Im not going to lock Eyez thread; He would have me shot, hung, then drawn and quartered; He is german after all; :sigh:
Wohohohohohow ROFL :!:
That’s a rude statement lol
Although I had not considered taking pictures of the toilets during my trip to Japan, now I just might…
shoot him, hang him, then drawn and quarter him!
no wait, we don’t have death penalty over here.
How about forcing him to listen to german humor for about an hour
lol, got an example of that?
he may just search for anything from steffan raab
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