Javascript and open window

Hi all,
I would like to ask everyone for help with this easy code.
I have a code, by which I open the page in a new window.

[color=darkslateblue]on (release) {
if (checkm == this._x) {
if (_name == “dragf0”) {
getURL(_parent._parent.XMLdata.firstChild.firstChild.attributes.dest, “_self”);
} else {
if (eval((“parent.x” add _name) add “.attributes.dest”) != null) {
getURL(eval((“parent.x” add _name) add “.attributes.dest”), “_blank”);
if (eval((“parent.x” add _name) add “.attributes.dest2”) != null) {
getURL(eval((“parent.x” add _name) add “.attributes.dest2”), “_self”);

But I need to open the window by javascript and then closer define like in this code below

[color=darkslateblue]on (release) {
getURL (“‘ShowPopup.php’,‘newWin’,‘width=533,height=800,left=,top=,toolbar=No,location=No,scrollbars=No,status=No,resizable=No,fullscreen=No’); NewWindow.focus(); void(0);”);

Can someone help me to change my code, please?
I appreciate any help, thanks.