Javascript Experiments

lets not start the trout wars again…it got WAY too wierd last time :sure:

in fact…i think some peeps are gonna do the Kirupa Wars in pixel art or something…its an idea so far anyways…

Ok, no trout wars.

good i was getting worried…anyways, Back ON TRACK

LOVELY USE OF JAVASCRIPT!! gotz any more to dazzle us wit

Well Ummmm, I have this really really old one, that is really really crappy too.

I had more planned for this, but stopped it here because I lost interest in the project, but here ya go.

Window Resizer Experiment

the idea was…can we say “lost in beta” :wink:

=) i need to learn javascript 2…my java is pathetic still tho…it would be awhole lot easier if i knew java well

Java and Javascript are two completely different languages :wink:

So are you rusty on your Java or your Javascript?


Anyone WITHOUT spam have anything to say :q: :beam:

[SIZE=1]::takes a peek from behind the door if it’s safe to come in:: might be a trout war goin’ on::[/SIZE]
very cool! I have no idea how to make do kinda stuff with javascript! Actually I have no idea how to do anything with javascript!:crazy: :beam:

LOL, it is safe now, this went down last night.

Javascript is an interesting language to learn. Just a tad bit like Actionscript really. Maybe that is why I am catching on to AS semi-fast.

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
LOL, it is safe now, this went down last night.

“it went down last night” <– now that you’ve mentioned it!
The damn clock-like thing on the board still shows me the wrong time! and hour earlier than it should be! Stupid clocky-thingy!

I always changed it in my UserCP under Edit Options or something. Then it would mess up again and I would have to put it back to the regular settings.

It started to get annoying, but stopped happening after a while. Kirupa doesn’t know why it does that.

I have to keep my settings at Mtn time, rather than Pacific, because of that time dealy…

As for the JS…

I can’t imagine coding JS for fun…



But JS <b>is</b> fun Rev :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok ok, not for everyone, but depending on what I am doing with it, it is fun for me :beam:

the only fun thing about JS, for me, is that when I look at it, the little letter, symbols, and numbers get up and run around the page…

hmmmm, maybe I should change my sn to ReverendFlashBack… :beam:

I’m real glad to have a friend like you that thinks JS is fun…

Have you ever visited


*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**I’m real glad to have a friend like you that thinks JS is fun…

Have you ever visited

Rev **

Awww :blush: Thanks Rev :beam:

And no I haven’t visited, what is it? You have to sign up for a list or something so I didn’t do it.

Philbert: That is funny, but too long.

well since I stalk lostinbeta, Id thought Id toss in a post over in random while I was at it (he seems to be heavy in this thread of his and I was, afterall, an influence =)).

  1. liked the window resizers :slight_smile:
  2. js is fun woohoo!
  3. some stuff I did in the past:


yes, they will send you a link… I have it if you want… go to no-such (no www. and a .com), you will be allowed to enter.

I’m not sure, but I think it started out as an experimental JS site…

there is some pretty weird and cool stuff there, but beware, some will crash your machine like crazy…


*Originally posted by senocular *
**well since I stalk lostinbeta, Id thought Id toss in a post over in random while I was at it (he seems to be heavy in this thread of his and I was, afterall, an influence =)).

aren’t you one of not interesting people lost was referring to in the very first post of this thread?? i swear i seen you posting in Server Side… (-:

edit: of course i’m joking…sen is an avid help and i respect him…the question is does lost?? :bad: :bad: :bad:

Sen: Great Javascript stuff. I did thinks sorta like the first one, but a bit different. I never uploaded them, can’t find them now, but I might redo them (since I am better at JS now then I was when I originally did them I am sure I can do a better job).

Rev: Cool, I might try that out!

Mak: I respect Sen, why do you think I ripped off his text effect?! Oh wait… I was “inspired” by it… sorry, forgot :wink:

*Originally posted by Makaveli *
**…sen is an avid help and i respect him…the question is does lost?? :bad: :bad: :bad: **

he does because I own him
