Text Effects

Im horrible as can be at doing my own actionscript and im majorly desprite to find some info on Text Effects… if any of you could copy paste some code you have or give me links to sites with text effect scripts that would be awesome. ive been looking for a few days now and cant find anything :frowning:

by the way im talking about MX

www.kirupa.com has an Actionscript Text Effect tutorial.

It is Flash 5 I believe, but works just the same, it is a great tutorial.

A tornado made out of letters:


pom C:-)

Dynamic Text Animation:



Actually this is for Flash 5, but it still works in MX. There are easier ways to do it in MX tho… play with it…you’ll figure something out…

thanks alot… im cheakin out the tornado one right now… im just so baffled… reading javascript is so much easier…

Javascript and Actionscript are alike in many ways.

yeah ive noticed… but theres so much more imagination involved with flash and actionscipt its amazing… and im just slowly learning it…

I did Javascript coding before I started AS. I found it helped me learn AS faster since I knew JS, and actually I learned a few things in JS from AS and a few things in AS from JS.

Ok… did that confuse you?..lol.

It confused me.

im just hella confused with it all… like ill just be lazy and copy some code exactly out of a book and do it all exactly and it wont work properly… BAH so ive been getting frustrated latly cuz of that. but im looking for more AS text effects instead of the oh so common tween/shape text effects. and its really hard to find. all the nice lookin ones (and ill settle with a very simple scaling one) are being sold on the net for like 60$… if anyone could hook me up with a text script that displays a number of say names in an arrray with a simple scaling effect that would be MUCH appreciated… it will get me on my way to my goal and it will also help me understand this stuff!