I just started learning javascript in college, 2 days ago and would like to know a simple way to format using CSS. To be specific, I want to make the words Office Cheapo a different color without affecting any other texts. I know that my code is flawed especially my price calculations but … baby steps. Thanks in advance for any help provided.
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>JavaScript Basics Exercise</title>
var name;
var number1;
var number2;
var number3;
var price1;
var price2;
var price3;
var total;
name = prompt("please enter your name");
// using parseInt to ensure strings converted to numbers
number1 = parseInt(prompt("How many notebooks would you like to buy?", "Please enter a number from 1-10"));
number2 = parseInt(prompt("How many pens would you like to buy?", "Please enter a number from 1-5"));
number3 = parseInt(prompt("How many USB Flash Drives would you like to buy?", "Please enter a number from 1-5"));
price1= 5.50;
price2= 1.95;
price3= 6.75;
total = price1 * number1 + (price3 * number3 * .05) + price2 * number2 * .11;
//Added $ to string so that costomer can view total as money.
document.write("Welcome to Office Cheapo, " + name +". Heres your invoice: <br><br> Notebooks bought -- " + number1 + " <br><br> Pens bought-- " + number2 +"<br><br> USB Flash Drives bought-- " + number3 + "<br><br> Final Cost-- $" + total + " <br><br>Thanks for shopping at office Cheapo, cough up and have a nice day!! " );