Javascript on flash

ok, now i’ve created a flash movie and when the user click the exit button, i want them to select if they really want to exit or not.

meaning i have two options for them (either yes or no).

if they click YES then they will exit from the movie(that’s fine)

now the problem is if the user click NO i want to redirect them to the page that they last visited. like the javascript command “javascript:history.back()”

any ideas how to do it?

DO the yes or no panel in Flash so that when they click the exit button that panel gets loaded.

Use a getURL for the yes and no buttons.

Yes button…
[AS]on (release){
getURL(“java**script:window.close()”, “_self”);

No Button…
[AS]on (release){
getURL(“java**script:history.back(-1)”, “_self”);

edit: FARGE!!! The forum messed up the code. HOLD PLEASE :beam:

edit2: fixed

ok thanks lost

it’s working fine now

No problem esek :slight_smile: