Javascript pop up - passing in a variable?

Hi, i’m trying to get a javascript popup working from inside flash. It works fine appart from 2 problems.

1)I’d like to swap [COLOR=#800080][COLOR=red]‘index.htm’[/COLOR] [/COLOR][COLOR=black]for a variable,[/COLOR]


getURL (" ([COLOR=red]**'index.htm'**[/COLOR], 'newWin', 'width=400, height=300, left=0 ,top=0, toolbar=No, location=No, scrollbars=No, status=No, resizable=No,fullscreen=No,**[COLOR=purple]menubar=No[/COLOR]**,');  NewWindow.focus(); void(0);");

I was trying the following example, but the popUp looks for http://url. It takes the url variable as being a page called url. I can’t find a way to pass in a variable without breaking the javascript formatting.

var [COLOR=red]**url**[/COLOR]:String="[]("; 
getURL (" ([COLOR=red]**'url'**[/COLOR], 'newWin', 'width=400, height=300, left=0 ,top=0, toolbar=No, location=No, scrollbars=No, status=No, resizable=No,fullscreen=No,**[COLOR=purple]menubar=No[/COLOR]**,');  NewWindow.focus(); void(0);");

  1. [COLOR=black] I’d prefer not to show the browser address bar - [COLOR=purple]menubar=No[/COLOR] doesn’t seem to work in flash.[/COLOR]

Any help appreciated.