Javascript pop ups in flash

good evening.

I would appreciate some help if poss.

I’m working on a simple flash site which loads sections of content into layers.
Which all works fine.

I’ve then put a button on this loaded content that I want to activate a flash movie in a new browser. I want this browser to have no buttons etc and be perfectly sized for the movie (which is quite small 800 x 500) and to appear on top.

Do I put the following Javascript on the main flash movie that I’m loading the content into or on the new movie?

<!-- Begin
function Launch(page) {
OpenWin =, “KirupaStyle”, “toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,width=800,height=500”);
// End -->

I’m a bit puzzled as nothing seems to make a difference.

many thanks