Javascript Regular Expression Help


I’ve been struggling with this for a while and I need a bit of help.

I have and application where a regexp needs to search for a specific word. However, I also want this to be found and replaced when there is a comma or space (and an additional word) after it.


If I type “Realtor” it replaces it with “Realtor®”
If I type, “Realtor, Manager” it replaces it with “Realtor®, Manager”

I have everything except the second one working. My regexp is as follows:

var txtarr = new Array();    
    var regex = /((Realtor-Associate)$|(Realtors)$|(Realtor)$)+/gi; 
        function realtorFixer(regex, textIn){
         var txtarr = textIn.split(",");
        return result = textIn;
        }else {
        var isReal = function(txtarr) {
             return String(txtarr).match(regex);
        var oddArray1=txtarr.filter(isReal)+'\u00AE';
        var oddArray2=txtarr.filter(isReal)
        return result = textIn.replace(oddArray2, oddArray1);

Any help would be greatly appreciated.