
I’m thinking on working with joomla. edit it and stuff. but is it usefull or is it better to design a CMS myself especcially becaus i like to use it for both a static and a flash based website. Does anyone have a solution about this? And does someone knows a website where i can find any cms tutorials if CMS systems like joomla doesn’t work fine.

Kind regards Jos:jailbreak

If you’ve checked out a number of CMS’s and none of them fit what you need then yeah making a few changes maybe the way to go. Find one that works for nearly all your needs and start to look into it. (If you haven’t already looked at that may be helpful -

Starting from scratch on a CMS, usually not a great idea unless you have the skills, a lot of time and patients to do it. If you don’t require a whole lot in the CMS that you want to make, odds are that one of the free ones will already handle what you need. If you do require a lot, start looking at mods and plugins for the CMS’s that are available. Sometimes the default installation may not be what you need, but by adding a few mods and plugins you can get it set up for your needs.

I actually like starting from scratch unless Im already familiar with the cms I would be working with. I hate to trace other people’s code. I know vbulletin very well now, but when I first started working with it I hated trying to figure it out. Making your own lets you build things the way you want them. That’s just my opinion on it. Yeah it does take more time though.

Ye, ye totally understand it. It’s really crap if a large thing like a free cms is modified for you. It;s hard to read and and edit the code. it’s better to do yourself. But i can read and edit php but my knowledge is far from the point to start and make my own cms. I have several books good books too to do it myself. But it’s just a small thing form the whole cms i like to make,
The website i’m working on is placed till it’s finished on
i like to design a cms for it wich is usable on aswell the dutch as the english version. And ofcourse readable in the html and the flash site.
That;s why i asked if someone knows an URL where i can be helped to do it myself. Because even coding i like to learn so i can do the design and the coding totally by myself.

:cowbell: :hockey: :ponder: :king: :sailor: JOS