Hi Guys, Newbie nere!
I’ve been trying to get a gallery finished today that loads jpg images directly into a movieclip. Now i tried using loadMovie(“file.jpg”, “clipName”); and it seemed to be handling the loading part fine (if i put in the wrong file name it complains or if i change it to a swf it loads and displays fine) but i cant seem to see the images i load.
Now i found a tutorial on here (http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx/photogallery.htm) and dowloaded the file. Now this loaded images up perfectly and so i tinkered with it, then deleted some of the images it came with and replaced them with my own (changing the file names to match) but the same problem arised. It loads fine, but i can’t see the images.
Do my jpg files hate me? they are just normal images made in Photoshop.
Please Help!! Cheers