Jquery .load() question of the day

Hi again!

Without wanting to create too much of a recurring theme, I was wondering if someone would be able to help me again with .load in jQuery?

Basically I was reading up yesterday that you can load page fragments rather then the whole page. I thought this would be great as it would allow me to design the pages for browsers with no JS, but still be able to load only the bits I need for JS-enabled browsers.

But, I seem to have hit a slight snag. After testing it it all seems to work great, it’s loading up just the segment I’m after. But, it doesn’t seem to be loading up any javascript - well, actually the js is being called in the response, but it isn’t being executed, but yet if I get the whole page to load up then it works fine.

Again, please remember I’m fairly newish at this, so any help or pointers will be muchos appreciatos!!
