JS Tip of the Day: Reduce Code with Object Shorthand Syntax

Reduce Code with Object Shorthand Syntax
Version: ES2015
Level: Beginner

Object literals ({}) offer a couple of shortcuts that allow you to simplify and reduce redundancy in your code. The first we’ll look at is a shorthand for assigning properties in a new object to variables of the same name in the available scope. Not using this shorthand syntax, you’d have something like:

let wantsToBeAProperty = true;
let holderOfProperties = {
    wantsToBeAProperty: wantsToBeAProperty

This creates a wantsToBeAProperty property on the holderOfProperties object with a value equal to the value in the variable wantsToBeAProperty (true). The problem is, this code is redundant, causing you to write out wantsToBeAProperty twice for the property, once for the key and once for the value. With the property shorthand syntax, you’ll only need to refer to it once.

let wantsToBeAProperty = true;
let holderOfProperties = {

Simply including the property name without a colon (:) and a respective value, JavaScript will automatically give it the value of the variable of the same name.

Functions, or object methods, also have a shorthand syntax. Normal method properties include the property name followed by a function expression as a value.

let doerOfThings = {
    doAThing: function () {
        // does a thing...

Using the method shorthand syntax, we can drop the colon (:) and the function keyword allowing us to more simply write:

let doerOfThings = {
    doAThing () {
        // does a thing...

This creates a function much like before, but without requiring as much code. In fact, if you’re familiar with class syntax, you may recognize this is the same syntax used for class methods there.

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