JS: When hover over image, change some text color

Hi all,

Really stuck on this Jquery problem, would be extremely grateful if anyone could help:

I’ve used this tutorial but need to make a slight addition:

(I’m using the single image technique)

I have a series of images, they’re greyed out until you mouse over them, they then turn to full color.

Each image has some text below it describing what it is.

This is what I would like to happen, when you hover over the image (and it turns to color) I would like the text below the image to change color at the same time so it looks like the same rollover. The text is grey turning to blue on hover. And obviously when you mouse out of the image, the text below it turns back to grey.

That’s the first part, kinda the essential part! This next bit is more of a bonus:

When you hover over the text below the image, it changes color but also changes the image from grey to color at the same time.
