Jubba? anyone?

I dunno what’s wrong here i’ve read all of your tutorials regarding the mailer form with PHP but icant get this thing to work :trout: .

Am I missing something here or is it just my server, btw does geocities support php?

here’s the file,pls. help me or my brain will explode

no geocities doesn’t support PHP. that could be why its not working…

for a free host that supports PHP… check out…


thanks Jubba, but is are my php correct?

change this

$Email = $_POST['william_s_enriquez@yahoo.com'];


$Email = "william_s_enriquez@yahoo.com";

since you are actually declaring the variable inside of the PHP script you don’t need to use the $_POST[] array to grab it.

but yeah, that should work find…

IT WORKED! THANKS JUBBA! thank you so much!