I have a mc, “Transition”, on my main stage. It does an animation. At the end of the animation I would like it to gotoAndPlay(“music”). The problem is that “music” is on on my main stage. Is there any way possible to jump from a frame of a movie clip to a specific frame on the main stage?
Plese say yes and please tell me how.
when you are writing code inside an object you must use the _root keyword to take you back to the lowest level in your time line. so your code would look like
yes, those are called paths. you have more properties like _root, other two very used are _parent and this .
it’s easy to make a path.
If you have MC1 on the root and inside of the MC1 you have the MC2 and you want to do something on the MC2 you just have to indicate it like:
and then use the event you want for example a gotoAndPlay();
if the code is inside of MC2 and you want to do an action on the MC1 you could use either two ways:
_root.MC1. or _parent.
Very well guys. Your posts really helped me move forward with my project and learn more action scripting.
Keep a look out for ThaJock and ThaJock will look out for other newbs
i think that most users that are here want to learn too… even avanced ones… i think i’m like intermediate and i’m here for my own problems too, so i dont have problem on helping people too, if i know how to…