Just a lil job with html

Hi there, i need a lil job, if ne is interested in helping me with a tiny tiny lil problem on one of my websites,:
I need some one to somehow make the information on the side be on every page, and everytime the owner of the site changes the info on one page they all change.

(hoping this makes sense)

Please PM or reply

of email freakboy_george@hotmail.com

nehelp would be Great

P.s it would be great if someone could do this for free…THANX!

I could have a go at this.

I used to have a site where I did what you are asking for. This was a while ago tho so I cant promiss succsess.


If you want me email me at hodson@gmail.com or add the same address to your msn!

if Hodson’s unavailable then give me a shout…Bell301076@Yahoo.co.uk

your sever probably supports php, so write the info for all pages into a separate file and use a <?php include “the_file” ?>where you want it to go (probably a cell is best).

how strict is the only html thing?