Just a lil' new sumthin'

here ya go… fit’s for a 1280x1024 desktop…

Rust-experiment link

Awesome, a bit dark though :-\

That is one rusty piece of metal :wink:

it’s SUPPOSED to be dark! :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, but my monitor is retarded and your whole image looks black with a very slight outline of your letters and such. It was hard for me to make out what it was at first.

::■■■■ monitor :(::

Wierd… Makes me want to go take a crap… Dunno if that is good or bad :-\

lol :stuck_out_tongue:

it’s the colors :smirk:

dark… but cool! :beam:

but a tad dark… I know that is suposed to be, but it lost a bit of details…

very cool =)

yes it is a bit too dar, would be cool to see more of the rust if there was more lighting.

yes a bit dark (whats tis the 50th time?!) but i like it, it adds a whole nother demention to it…