Just curious but how do you

Lol don’t worry you’re not alone. I didn’t want to ask anyone just incase it wasn’t there anymore or it was a button right in my face :sure:.


As it turns out, it was a button right in front of your face.

It was actually in my screen but call it what you want.


lol, button in screen, screen in front of your face, it all works out. :thumb:

Screen is actually 1.5 - 2 feet away. Not in my face though. If it was right in my face, it would be touched my ocular nerves along with my brain cells ;).

Uuhh…Back to being normal :ne:.

I dunno, I’ve had quite a liking to that smiley. Was able to use it in one or more occasions…:slight_smile:

Garsh darnit Sharif,
in another mini-argument are we? Tisk Tisk Tisk…

Grinch what are you talking about.

I’m joking around with him. Of course it’s right in my face.

Would I come out with words like “Ocular” and “Brain” and a measurement of all that :sen:?

Is everything an arguement to you? Even when I’m not even talking to you :puzzle:?

I believe he’s just joking with you as well… because you tend to jack threads into jokes :stuck_out_tongue:

No he always does this :sigh:.

We were talking about the button on my face and the button has to do with the forums so I didn’t hijack it :P!

but it wasn’t about about top member posters thingy :wink:


we need a smiley that mixes :stuck_out_tongue: with :wink: like ; P but winks and laughs

The button had to do with re-arranging the list of top members by posts.

Oh and…;P.

Btw - if we mix a smilie like that, it’ll be laughing with a wink with something red like a fat twizzler sticking out :lol:.

but that doesn’t smile and wink :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

edit: this is not on topic


Lol thank you pixels, you just about cleared it all up there :wink:
He always does that :stuck_out_tongue:


Tried to mix those 3 - talk about bad operation…

I like it, we should keep it :stuck_out_tongue:

Hell no. That thing is wierd.

my try

looks angry to me :mu:

Lol his eye is twitching…