'just announcing a new Flash game site, Big Bomb Games: http://www.bigbombgames.com
I’ve been working on this the past 6 weeks or so with a couple colleagues. We released it to a few people over the weekend to work out some of the bugs, and we’re launching it officially tonight.
We’re starting with 3 Flash games and will be adding a couple more in the next month or so, then trickling new games onto the site as we complete them. All the games are free to play and download. Registration on the site is required to post high scores (we’re also launching other features over the next month for registered members, like avatars, guilds and evntually forms, etc.)
The games we started with are fairly classic gametypes. We just tried to polish them up a little to make them more presentable, with custom music and nice imagery, and make them a little more fun We’ve also got a couple games enterring dev that stray from classic gametypes a bit. We’re really just trying to offer a broad assortment of games to attract a variety of visitors.
This has been a challenge to pump out 3 games in 6 weeks, but it’s been a fun learning experience. Please check it out and feel free to comment and criticize.
I’m gong to be away from the computer mot of the day (getting sick of staring at a screen,) but I will be on late tonight to review any comments.