Just Saying

Hey everone im making a game now.
Its Simmialr to PlayaMarz and well it is his draw9ings but he said i was allowed aslong as there will be Credit or him an there will be…
Since i dident know all the code to make a cool Ship Game i used the Flashkit game Tutorial and added my own code.
Made it a little better Here is the Beta.

I will be adding enimies and bonu packs.
Im sorry That its similar to PLayaMarz but see i cant draw at all.
if i did it would be a block with fire in the back of it LOL.
Hope you dont mind me using his Drawings.

Oh I almost foreget PLayaMarze’s credits will be at he bottom.

The link is broken, fix it, I want to see!! :scream: :stuck_out_tongue:

Its not wokring :chinaman: Tears i always wanted it to work.
Maybe you shoould past it in your Browser

If not then ill go see what i can do…

you rasterized it?

pasting, dragging, didn’t work either…:-\

EveryBody stay calm i will soon fix it noOne will be hurt.(-:

btw it works fine for me

Maybe this link I dunno the other one works if not ill zip the thml and SWF for ya’s.
Dont you just love me.


Thats good senclouar.
But anyway ill zip it and give yous it

Oh and some suggestion i also need some drawers and may e i wont Copy all drawings and please help me with those drawings please please…

I know there is All kinds of awsome drawer…
Please make some for me.