ok its Friday night and we are getting close to SUPERBOWL SUNDAY!!! i am already starting to paint myself black for the raders-bucks game (w00t go raiders!) But who do YOU want to win? i wanna know so vote!
Err… The Real Madrid? :bounce:
err oh wait… DOH
Pom i can tell its not a big deal in France…lol. hey btw i get to make Crapes soon in French class! w00t! lol, i cant wait.
Real Madrid would clean house! :):bad:
I’m gonna sit and scratch my *** all day…
Sound good?
what is this Real Madrid? lol. Je confuse…
Only the best football team in the world…
Soccer for us American morons…
oh ok…i see lol…i call Soccer “futball” untill American football season, then i could care less about soccer…w00t! i just relized i dont have LAX on Sunday! w00t pregame show here i come!
what kind of name can Amer. football get to keep it getting confused with real football? Hmmm handball is taken… how about Tackleball? BustSkullBall <- I like that one better. Or how about PummelBall?
its so much fun…and you cant break your head cause of the big helemts. i am fine after my first year, although my knee sometiems hurts…but thats it. but how bout: Padded Rugby?
*Originally posted by mdipi.com *
**how bout: Padded Rugby? **
haha thats about what it is
yeah but i am thankfull…lol…i am a big kid so i could take anyone on the field (i lost 15 lbs in a month to play down a weight class with my friend who did the same thing, we owned! :P) but its the linebacks that will trip you up when doing a QB sneak and thats what hurts, dirty guys they are…but they cant stop everything. the kid i came down a class with dislocated his sholder going to make a takle in practice…just dove the kid sidesteped and that was it. 5 mins later the EMTs where there and we lost in the playoffs…
How can the Bucs not win? They have the best player in the world, CHAD JACKSON. He will win it for the bucs by himself. GO FOOTBALL GOD.
I’m actually going to be in San Diego this weekend. But I’m going to stay safely at my friend’s house… Raiders fans are insane!
But I still think the Raiders will win.
*Originally posted by RenaissanceGirl *
**I’m actually going to be in San Diego this weekend. But I’m going to stay safely at my friend’s house… Raiders fans are insane!
But I still think the Raiders will win. **
thats because the raiders are insane Do they still hold the record for the most penalties in a single game?
I believe they do still hold that record! You’re right, the Raiders are insane. Those fans scare me though. I think even if I sneeze they would beat me up.
lol, i love them. i am a Greenbay fan by nature, then Pats (hey i live in NE what can i say?) the raiders. but Nali, two words: BROWN…RICE!
is that the finals of that blunt-mindles game were the dancing chicks are the only real atraction? :-\
[SIZE=1]* Guigo awaits for his trout slap session *[/SIZE]
Guigo, take this! :trout: Also, I believe that the Raiders will win. =)