Justify dynamic text


i need to justify my text when i load my external file with the scroller. i’ve tried with the example in http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx/dynamic_scroller.htm but it still can’t justify the text.

can anyone help? kax?


did you use the justify buttons on the properties bar?

yes, but it still can’t justify

any idea?

it should be working, i do not have the answer… hopefully some one else can help.


nvm, thanks Alex

so anyone else can help?

You can’t justify dynamic text.

oh man!
too bad for me

ok thanks lostinbeta

Yeah, hopefully macromedia changes that in the future, because it would be quite handy, but as for now, just gotta deal with the left, center, or right aligment :-\ Unfortunately.

Lost would you be able to put some html taging for alignment of the text in the txt file?

something like <h1 align=“center”>This is heading 1</h1>

grr i mean this

h1 align=“center”>This is heading 1</h1

replace the * with Closing and opening brackets ( < >)


I don’t know for sure, never tried it.

use &lt; and &gt; to get < and >

a example please sen, :stuck_out_tongue:



Gives you…


<h1> align=“center”>This is heading 1</h1>

Cool worked it out :slight_smile: thanks sen!!