Keeping line breaks in textareas


I’ve got a simple feedback form on my site in Flash. There’s a multiline textarea that the user types into, then it sends the text to a PHP script which emails it to me.

Problem is, I’ve never been able to retain the line-breaks the user puts in originally. I’m pretty sure it’s Flash not indicating where line-breaks are when it sends the text off to the PHP.

How can I get Flash to output the text with <br> or /r characters in it? I’ve tried using the ‘htmlText’ of the textarea, but all that does is put in a whole lot of junk (eg. <P><DIV> tags), and no <br> tags…

Is there a special way to do this?


I guess you are not setting ur textFields HTML property to TRUE.
Select a TextFiled where you want to get Line Breaks. and set its HTML
(<>) this symbol, just select it.
And also set Line Property to MultiLine and not single line.

