Here is an updated key combination detection utility for Actionscript 3. Note that this version has some significant efficiency improvements, most of which is just alot of eliminated loops.
Tell me how it works out for you guys, and what you would like changed about it.
package com.createage.ui
import flash.display.*;
* Listens for key combinations, and broadcasts events to objects listening
* to this object.
* @author Michael Avila
public class KeyComboManager extends Sprite
// a clean list of the keys (clean meaning there's no duplicates)
protected var keys:CleanArray;
// a map of the combos available, the key is the name of the combo
protected var combos:Object;
// an associative array of references to combo objects names. The keys
// are all the key combinations key code values with no spaces.
protected var keyMap:Object;
public function KeyComboManager()
keys = new CleanArray();
combos = new Object();
keyMap = new Object();
addEventListener( Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, added );
protected function added( e:Event ):void
if ( stage == null )
stage.addEventListener( KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDown );
stage.addEventListener( KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUp );
* Names a combination of key codes, if these key codes are pressed
* in order, the combination will be recognized and an event will be broadcast.
* @param The name to give the combination.
* @param The key codes, in order, that make up the combination.
public function setCombo( name:String, keys:Array ):void
// set the combos associative array reference
combos[ name ] = keys;
// set the key map associative array reference
keyMap[ keys.join( "" ) ] = name;
* Removes the combination with the specified name. Removed
* combinations are neither recognized, nor stored in memory.
* @param The name of the combination to remove.
public function unsetCombo( name:String ):void
// unset the references
keyMap[ combos[ name ].join( "" ) ] = null;
combos[ name ] = null;
// checks to see if a combination has been pressed
protected function check():void
// check and see if the keyMap has a combination with
// the current keys defined.
// if so, broadcast KEY_COMBO event.
if ( keyMap[ keys.join( "" ) ] )
dispatchEvent( new KeyComboEvent( KeyComboEvent.KEY_COMBO, keyMap[ keys.join( "" ) ], keys.slice(0) ) );
protected function keyDown( event:KeyboardEvent ):void
// attempt to add the keycode to the key list
// if successful check to see if a combination was triggered
if ( keys.add( event.keyCode ) )
protected function keyUp( event:KeyboardEvent ):void
// remove and clean the list of keys
keys.remove( event.keyCode, true );
// A helper class used to store 'CleanArrays'. A clean array is simply an array
// that doesn't contain duplicate values, and when an item is removed you have the option
// of trimming off every item following the removed item.
dynamic class CleanArray extends Array
// inserts only unique items.
// returns whether or not the item was successfully entered
public function add( obj:Object ):Boolean
var len:uint = length;
while ( len-- )
if ( this[len] == obj )
return false;
push( obj );
return true;
// removes the item specified and every item
// after it (if specified to do so with the trim argument), and then
// returns those items as an array.
public function remove( obj:Object, trim:Boolean=false ):Array
var count:uint = length - indexOf( obj );
var cleaned:Array = new Array();
if ( trim )
while( count-- )
cleaned.unshift( pop() );
return splice( indexOf( obj ), 1 );
return cleaned;
* Represents an event broadcast by the KeyComboManager class.
* @author Michael Avila
public class KeyComboEvent extends Event
// An event broadcast when a key combination has been triggered
public static const KEY_COMBO:String = "keycombo";
// the name of the combo that was triggered
protected var name:String;
// the keys that make up the combo that was triggered
protected var comboKeys:Array;
// the name of the combo that was triggered
public function get comboName():String
return name;
// the keys that make up the combo that was triggered
public function get keys():Array
return comboKeys.slice( 0 );
* Creates a new KeyComboEvent.
* @param The type of event to broadcast.
* @param The name of the key combo that was triggered.
* @param The keys that make up the combo that was triggered
public function KeyComboEvent( type:String, comboName:String, keys:Array, bubbles:Boolean=false, cancelable:Boolean=false )
super( type, bubbles, cancelable );
name = comboName;
comboKeys = keys;
package com.demos.keycombo {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import com.createage.ui.*;
public class KeyComboDemo extends Sprite
protected var manager:KeyComboManager;
public function KeyComboDemo()
// create a new instance of the key combo manager
manager = new KeyComboManager();
// set a new combo by naming it and specifying what keys to use
manager.setCombo( "Michael", [70, 71] );
// add an event listener to the key combo manager
manager.addEventListener( KeyComboEvent.KEY_COMBO, keyComboDown );
// key combo manager must be added as a child, because it is a sprite
// and requires access to its 'stage' property
addChild( manager );
// listening function
protected function keyComboDown( e:KeyComboEvent ):void
trace( "Combo " + e.comboName + " has been pressed." );
manager.unsetCombo( e.comboName );
Take care.