[FONT=Tahoma]Hi everyone,
I’m trying to have a few sound effects on this flash project that I’m working on.
Basically, I need to be able to have a few keys play sound effects. For example up, down, left and right.
And I’d like to be able to have the down sound play during the up sound. So it’s not like I can just tell it with the action script to go to and play sound 1 on frame 5 for example, because that prevents me from also playing sound 2 on frame 10 for example.
My friend was helping me with the action script but I didn’t really know how to apply it, and I tried to find some kirupa tutorials on this. There were some key event tutorials to mooove things, but none that I could find on playing sounds (I guess ultimately movies) on key events.
My friend was telling me to use
add a Key listener
but I wasn’t really sure how he was applying that code.
Help please! Thanks for any info you can offer,