I’m in the process of building a hangman type game, which uses the keyboard as the source for input.
The game is launched in a centered pop-up window, but when you try to use the keyboard the key presses dont respond.
Here is the code:
function initGame() {
// get phrase
phrase = “Lucky Guess”;
// build display
display = "";
for(i=0;i<phrase.length;i++) {
// place spaces in the right spots
if (phrase.charAt(i) == " ") {
display = display + " ";
} else {
// place underscores in place of letters
display = display + "_";
function makeGuess(code) {
// get the character that corresponds to the key pressed
letter = String.fromCharCode(code);
// check to see if it is a letter
if (isAlpha(letter)) {
// assume that the letter will not be found
gotOne = false;
// start building new display
newDisplay = "";
for(i=0;i<phrase.length;i++) {
// see if letters match
if (phrase.charAt(i).toUpperCase() == letter.toUpperCase()) {
// place letter in display text
newDisplay = newDisplay + letter.toUpperCase();
// note that at least one match has been found
gotOne = true;
} else {
// not found, so display same character
newDisplay = newDisplay + display.charAt(i) ;
// show new display
display = newDisplay;
// if no match found, then add more to monster
if (!gotOne) {
// see if the monster is done
if (hangman._currentFrame == 7) {
} else if (display == phrase.toUpperCase()) {
// the display matches the original, game over
// utility to test whether a character is in A-Z
function isAlpha(letter) {
// get character code
n = letter.charCodeAt(0);
// convert low case to upper case
if (n > 90) n -= 32;
// see if it is in A-Z
return ((n >= 65) and (n <= 90));
Also there is a root call:
onClipEvent (keyDown) {
Which gives the keypress info to the makeGuess function,
is the root of a pop-up the origonal window, or the pop-up window?
thanx in advance 4 any help.:rd: