KeyboardEvent issues

im planning to create a topdown shooter like in this one

the problem occurs when i need to move my character

in AS2, i could just use
this.onEnterFrame = function(){
//moves up
and just do it three more times for the other three directions (down,left,right)

but in AS3, i have to use stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, functionname);

function functionname(e:KeyboardEvent){
if(e.keyCode == 38){
//moves up
//and create three more for the other three directions

but in here multipke keys cant be pressed simultaneously, sometimes there’s also a liitle lag when i tried to change the direction which will be very uncomfortable for the players

i tried to use the mutiple key method in here

i copied the required code and the Keydetection class, but i got this error
5007: An ActionScript file must have at least one externally visible definition.

i googled about it and it seems the keydetection class need to have the package{ on the top
however, the source code in the example given didn’t need to use the package{

i tried to add the package but it gives this error
1120: Access of undefined property Key.

seems i have to use the import.flash. but i dont know how to make the class work

any way to solve this, or is there an alternate method? thx alot :slight_smile: