Keyframes and the Animate Method |

by kirupa | 27 July 2015

In an earlier tutorial, we looked at the Web Animations spec and its goal of unifying all the various animation approaches you have today into one single implementation. As part of that, we looked at the animate method which gives you all the performance benefits of animations created in CSS with the more dynamic-icity (I made up a whole new word!) of something you create in JavaScript.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

hi kiruba,
i have one doubt about animation ,can i ask u something…

Yes please.

hi ,
i created scrolling images, using css animation. i have a error , while running that animation ,
images are scrolling continuously but not showing correctly,
can u please check what is the error,

hello krilnon…

From what I can tell from the scrolling list of images in the link you shared, it seems to be working OK.

Can you isolate just the animation with the images into a separate page? That would help in figuring out what the cause is more easily :smile: