Keyframes Ignored by AS3

Movie clip mc_web is on the main time line. Inside of it are 4 movie clips - mc_B_okr, mc_L_okr, mc_T_okr, and mc_R_okr. These 4 clips have different positions on different key frames. The aim is to scale and pan mc_web (the 4 movie clips scale /pan with it) and click when all the four clips are hitting the frame elements - mc_Bframe, mc_Lframe, mc_Tframe and mc_Rframe. Hit test- if ok the movie advances to the next frame.

Here’s the problem - the movie does advance to the next frame but the changed positions of mc_B_okr etc. do not show, only the position as was on the starting frame 1 is displayed on test movie. AS3 does not seem to recognize the changes on the rest of the frames.

I have uploaded a light weight fla at for suggestions.

Any suggestions thankfully appreciated.