Keylistener issues in Flash 8?

Hi Guys,

I was wondering if anyone had a similiar problem I have ?

I don’t have the code at hand, but it’s not too hard to explain.
The setup is as follows :

I have a listener for keys, and a switch statement that catches the key events. If I press ‘left’ for example, a variable moveLeft becomes true. If I release the left button, moveLeft will become false.

This seems to work, until I do the following: Press and hold left, press and hold any other button aswell. If I release the buttons, it will not register the keyUp event for some reason. I know the code worked in Flash MX 2004 because I literally copy-pasted it :cross-eye

For now I work with Key.isDown(Key.LEFT), but that looks just plain ugly I.m.h.o…

Soo… Mind posting the code?

I was about to, but I have it on an external HDD that I don’t have here :smiley: It’s basically 1 on 1 with the description above though, I thought that was enough info, but I’ll post code tonight :slight_smile:

Ok, its probably enought with the info but I like to see coding and see if I can help :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, here’s the code

    keyListener = new Object();
    keyListener.onKeyDown = function() {
    keyListener.onKeyUp = function() {
    KeyDown = function (keyCode) {
        switch (keyCode) {
        case 37 :
            _root.moveLeft = true;
        case 39 :
            _root.moveRight = true;
        case 38 :
            _root.jump = true;
        case 80 :
    KeyUp = function (keyCode) {
        switch (keyCode) {
        case 37 :
            _root.moveLeft = false;
        case 39 :
            _root.moveRight = false;
        case 38 :
            _root.jump = false;

You can use it like this

if(_root.moveLeft) doStuff();

Thats a big reason that I stopped using keyListeners and stuff.

The way I do it now (and this mightturn out to be worse but it works great for me) is put an “if (Key.isDown(87))” In an "onClipEvent(enterFrame) " in a movie clip. Like I said, maybe this is not the best way or a coiincedance, but it solved a bunch of problems I had using keyListener


onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
	if (Key.isDown(87)) //w
	if (Key.isDown(65)) //a
	if (Key.isDown(83)) //s
	if (Key.isDown(68)) //d

when put in a movie clip would make the charecter move around using WASD