Kid suspended for using php

Oh, Iā€™m sure this is the only time youā€™ve posted a new topic without searching.

I wouldnā€™t be suprised if parents/the school thought PHP was a drug.

Oh, Iā€™m sure this is the only time youā€™ve posted a new topic without searching.

did i mention i tend to stretch the truth a lot?


Was that a true story??

cā€™mon guys, they canā€™t be serious, theyā€™re suspending someone on the base of something they donā€™t now :h: thatā€™s just a load of cr*pā€¦

haha funny story whether itā€™s real or not.

Hah :lol:

Thatā€™s ridiculous.

ā€œSchool is supposed to be teaching our kids how to read and write. Not about dangerous drugs like PHP.ā€


[COLOR=Gray]Off Topic:
I think itā€™s ok to post something that has been posted before, given that it was posted a LONG time ago, and itā€™s not something thatā€™s widely known. firstly, it was posted so long ago itā€™s non-existent (last page #17 of random forum only dates back to 08-24-2004 08:27 PM). secondly, people, like me, missed that previous post and so if not for this I wouldnā€™t have known about it :)[/COLOR]

PHP is a drug.

PHP is a drug and a way of life

haahaa thats funny

I find it hard to get off of PHP. Iā€™ve tried quitting before, but I can seem to make useful things unless Iā€™m on it.


Idiots. PHP and PCP. I see how these drugs relate.



im addicted, does anyone know any good places to get rehab?

besides, asp has so many less side effects

Yeah, PHP is a drugā€¦ you start writing web apps with poor i18n and hack things together poorly :wink:

Jokes dudesā€¦

ASP just doesnā€™t give you a good enough high though.

Iā€™ve seen it before, but it cracks me up each time :lol:

this kind of reminds me of this:

i seen this a 100 times and laugh each time :slight_smile:

edit: lol sry voets didnt see your reply.

aah PHP
prevent your children from using php!
I did a google-image search and found many images showing those blue php pills.
furthermore I found out that the worldwide use of php increased by over 10000% within the last 4 years!!!
the target user is between 16 and 25 years, and there are many forums where people report shameless about their good experiences with PHP and that they will keep on using it, they even give hints in some druggy language (containing $ characters and so on) to those willing to start.
ā€¦And worst of all, there are several users over the internet that offer php for free!

so write your government about your fears concerning PHP. this has already gone much to far!!!

ohh noo. PHP is definetly an addictive drug. ask ahmed heā€™ll tell you all about it :wink: