needs links validated!

Hi all,

I enjoy checking out the posts and the tuts here… But recently I ran into an error…

BAD HYPER LINKS! Maybe someone can validate it and get me the correct link!:beam:

Bottom of the page:
[left]You can download my source files for this tutorial to look at the commented code [[color=#0000ff]here[/color],

see “here”, lol, someone forgot to make thier link relative before uploading!
and if you have any questions the best place to ask would be on the forums in the [url=“”][color=#0000ff]Server-side Scripting Forum.[/color]](file:///C:/Documents%2520and%2520Settings/Kirupa/Local%2520Settings/Temp/web/code/ [/left]
[left] [/left]
[left]Anyways good tutorial… Carry On![/left]