Kirupa flash and php tutorial>>does it work in flash 8?

hi guys! good day. i’ve been doing my research and been working on my mail contact form for a client’s website, but the thing is, there are so many tutorials and source files available, and i’m not sure which ones are working FOR FLASH 8. i’ve been searching the net for contact forms that work with flash 8, but most are only for flash mx i think.

anyway… my question is: have you guys ever tried the kirupa flash-php contact form tutorial on flash 8? i’ve tried this on and, i haven’t received any emails. so i suspect that it’s the server’s mistake. i am currently using, because the php mail is enabled automatically on all their servers. soo… any of you tried using the flash-php contact form tute of kirupa? here’s the link:

please enlighten me on this. i’ve been searching the forums for quite sometime now. hehe. anyone? or are there any of you who’s willing to give me source files for flash 8 contact form? thanks in advance.
